OP-ED — Spectra Energy: Trust Facts Not Promises
Spectra Energy’s (NYSE: SE) proposed pipeline projects are proliferating across some 14 states. Despite its corporate charm offensive, it cannot shake the specter (if you will) of its Steckman Ridge facility in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, a 12 billion cubic feet underground natural gas storage reservoir with pipelines running in and out.Grassroots opposition to Spectra Energy pipelines know all about the operational problems at this facility and the dismissive attitude of the company toward its neighbors, who it refers to (ironically) as “stakeholders.” Following is an op-ed I wrote on Spectra Energy and another of its pipeline projects in New York and Connecticut called the Algonquin Gas Transmission Pipeline. Two of the grassroots groups fighting it are: Stop the Algonquin Pipeline Expansion (SAPE) and Concerned Peekskill Residents (CPR). SAPE Link: http://sape2016.org/ Another Spectra Energy pipeline project is Sabal Trail — a proposed pipeline that will cut a 475-mile swath through three states: Georgia, Alabama and Florida. SpectraBusters is a very energetic grassroots movement aimed at getting the facts on the table. They have also picked up this op-ed piece: http://spectrabusters.org/2014/09/10/oped-spectra-energy-trust-facts-not-promises-mike-benard/ Click here to read about Listen to Property Owners Near Spectra Energy Facilities.
Spectra Energy — Trust Facts Not Promises
Op-Ed by Mike Benard
Daily Voice, Sept. 10, 2014

PEEKSKILL, N.Y. – The Peekskill Daily Voice accepts signed letters to the editor. Please send letters to [email protected].
Speaking from experience with Spectra Energy, property owners and communities can expect the company (NYSE: SE) will not do what it says it will in terms of transparency and accountability; and the company will develop amnesia when questioned about its actual track record relating to safety and federal fines.
Managing by fact is simple. If communities and local governments want to know what to expect from Spectra Energy, ask folks who live with its facilities today.
For example, property owners in Bedford County, Pa. (about two hours from Washington, D.C.), have been dealing with Spectra Energy for five years. Spectra Energy’s facility there (called Steckman Ridge) is a 12 billion-cubic-foot underground natural gas storage reservoir, with a nearly 5,000-horsepower compressor station, 13 injection/withdrawal wells and lengthy pipelines in and out of the facility.
This facility stores and pumps shale gas through transmission pipelines across several states. Compressor stations are a fact of life along gas transmission pipelines.
A ring of health, water and operational complaints surround this Spectra Energy facility that began operations in 2009.
To cite one example, on March 9-10, 2013, residents living near that facility called 9-1-1 in response to firecracker-like noises and what appeared to be smoke coming from the company’s compressor station. Fire trucks rolled to the scene.
Spectra Energy’s first response from Marylee Hanley, its dismissive director of stakeholder outreach was, “Nothing was released. There was no smoke. No incident.”
By the next day, the company admitted there was a release of methane and other hydrocarbons; but Andrea Grover, another director of stakeholder outreach, claimed only a “small volume” was released. To this day, the company refuses to say publicly how much was released.
However, through their own efforts property owners learned Spectra Energy’s uncontrolled leak amounted to 431.5-thousand cubic feet of natural gas vented to the atmosphere over a two-day period. Hardly a “small volume,” as Spectra Energy’s Andrea Grover maintained to the Associate Editor of the Bedford Gazette.
Where Spectra Energy is concerned, never trust promises – always examine its track record.